Our Cubmaster's email:
Folks –
I wanted to send around some more details about the cub scout activity we have planned for Saturday, November 15th at Brazos Bend State Park (here’s a web link to read more about beautiful Brazos Bend:
This event has become an annual tradition for us and its always one of the highlights of the year…we run several activity stations where the boys can pass of advancements, we take a nature walk around a 40 acre alligator pond, and we have a great hotdog lunch. Families and siblings are more than welcome to attend and enjoy the park while we work on our cub scout activities.
So here’s the game plan…we’ll meet at the Katy Stake Center at 7:45 am on Saturday, Nov 15th. Please be on time because we will be leaving at 8:00am sharp and we’d hate to leave anyone behind.
From there, we will drive about an hour south – past Sugarland – to the Brazos Bend State Park. The physical address is 21901 FM 762Needville TX 77461 in case you’d like to pull up a map on your GPS or Google maps. Also, the phone number to the park’s headquarters is (979) 553-5102.
We will hold our activities on several picnic tables located next to the 40-acre park (here is a park map showing the location of the 40-acre park: …basically, you pass the park headquarters and turn left into the first parking lot you come to.
Our activities at the park will kick-off around 9:00 and will include lunch. We will pack up around 1:00 to drive back to Katy. Please plan on picking up your son at 2:00 at the Katy Stake Center…remember, the scout leaders will have spent a long day herding scouts, so please make every effort to arrive promptly to pick up your son.
OK – here’s what we need from you…
RSVP – Please respond to this email to let me know if your scout plans on attending this event so that we can track an accurate headcount and ensure we have enough drivers. Also, if you and your family plans on attending, please send me those details as well so we can ensure we have enough hotdogs for lunch.
Permission Slip - we need each scout’s parent or guardian to complete and submit the attached Permission Slip. My preference would be for you to bring the completed form with you to this week’s den meetings (I will collect them from the Den Leaders)…but worst case scenario, we will need you to bring the completed form with you when you drop off your scout on the morning of the event. Please be aware that church and scouting rules will prevent any scout from attending this event if we don’t have a completed Permission Slip.
Attire – please dress your son appropriately based on the weather forecast for the day of the event. We would like the scouts to be in uniform…but you might consider sending along a jacket, long-sleeved undershirt, hat, etc. based on the expected temperature. Please ensure your son wears comfortable tennis shoes (or similar) – no flip-flops or sandals. If you would like to apply sun screen or insect repellent, please do so before you drop your son off.
Drivers – we need to enlist some adult drivers to help us shuttle the boys to and from the event. If you are able to help out as a driver, please respond to this email and let me know. I will also need to know now many boys your car can carry…let me rephrase that – I will need to know how many seat belt are available for boys in your vehicle (otherwise we’d just throw everyone in the back of my pickup).
Weather – perhaps most importantly, we need someone to step-up and ensure we have good weather for the event…I’m thinking sunny, clear skies with temperatures around 78 degrees. I’d also settle for 3 inches of snow – but that’s probably too ambitious for Texas in November.
Pursuant to my last point above, we do have a game plan in case of inclement weather. If it looks like there is a high probability of rain, we will hold the event under the pavilion at the Katy Stake Center. We will try to complete all of the same activities, but we will push back the start time to 9:00 and accelerate the end time to 1:00 (since we won’t need time to drive back and forth). I’ll send out an email on Friday, Nov 14th if it looks like the weather won’t cooperate…in the meantime, let’s hope for clear skies.
OK – that’s about it. I’m sure there are some things that I didn’t think of. If you have any questions, just shoot me an email. For the record, we haven’t lost a scout to the alligators yet.
Again – please pay particular attention to the items in blue above…I need your help to ensure this is a completely successful event.
York Richards