Monday, September 29, 2008

10/1 Activity

This week we are going to have a round robin night accomplishing A5b Bird Feeder, A6c What happens to your garbage?, A6e Different kinds of energy we use and A6g Cleaning the church grounds.

Grant Townsend has SNACK this week. THANKS!!!

ALSO September's homework is due.
A5a bird poster due by den meeting, Oct 1

Choose a bird or animal that you like and find out how it lives. Make a poster showing what you have learned.

We haven't discussed this during scouts at all, so the boys wouldn't know about it from us. Good Luck!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Basketball Pictures from September 24th & Thank You!!!!

Thank you all for bringing your canned goods for the Houston Food Bank. We got a good box full and it also helped with an Eagle Project.

Here are some pictures from our Basketball Loop Night. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Jonathan!

We hope you have a great birthday.
We are going to miss you bunches.
But we wish you the best in Webelos!!!

Service Opportunity - Houston Food Bank

We would like to give the boys a chance to help serve and are asking they each bring some canned goods that will be donated to the Houston Food Bank. We would like to fill a big box full if we can. There is a list below of items they are in need of.


The Houston Food Bank is working hard to provide relief to families and individuals who were affected by Hurricane Ike. They are supplying food and other necessities to partner agencies and to temporary shelters in and around the Houston area. We are asking ward members to bring non-perishable food items to the church this Sunday. We will have boxes set up at each side of the chapel for you to drop off your donation. Sister Carolyn Gardner has volunteered to take food donations to the warehouse.

Most Needed Food Drive Items

The following list includes the food items most needed by the hunger relief agencies served by the Houston Food Bank. Please choose plastic containers or canned items rather than glass.


Canned tuna or chicken, packed in water
Canned stews and pasta with meat (easy on salt and fat)
Peanut butter
Canned fruits in light syrup, natural applesauce
100% juice in cans or boxes (no glass, please)
Canned vegetables, tomatoes, tomato sauce
Soups with meat and/or beans, meal-in-a-can (easy on salt and fat)
Cereals and cereal bars (easy on sugar and fat)
Pasta, spaghetti, macaroni, noodles
Packages of dry beans

For the safety of those we serve, the Houston Food Bank is unable to accept open packages, baby food, homemade food items, perishable foods, or items with expired dates.

To keep up with the growing need for food, they need funds to purchase truckloads of urgently needed, high-demand items. They are also in need of volunteers to process and distribute these items. To donate money on-line, you can go to and click on the "Donate Funds" link in the left-hand menu. They can take your donation on-line. If you are interested in volunteering, click on "Volunteer" in the left-hand menu to sign up on-line. Their warehouse is at 3811 Eastex Freeway (at the corner of 59N and Cavalcade).

Thank you for your compassion in this time of great need.

If you have any questions or want to contact the Houston Food Bank, their contact information is below.

Ashley E. Estes, J.D.

Change of Plans

It has been awhile and I hope everyone survived the Hurricane with little damage if none and I really hope everyone has electricity again. Due to this natural disaster, our special guest for tomorrow night will not be able to be with us as he is working overtime to help those in need.

SOOOO, we are going to work on our Basketball Loop tomorrow along with memorizing the Scout Motto, Scout Promise & Flag Ceremony. The boys will have to be able to pass most of this off before they will be able to participate in basketball.

Belt Loop
Complete these three requirements:

Explain the rules of basketball to your leader or adult partner.
Spend at least 30 minutes practicing basketball skills.
Participate in a basketball game.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No Pack Meeting This Week

Due to Hurricane Ike, there will not be a pack meeting this Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2008. Hope everyone is safe and surviving well.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Cub Scout SNACKS

We have assigned boys to bring snacks throughout these next couple of months. It will actually take care of the rest of 2008.
If they make something special to bring as a snack it will pass off A9b.

Sept. 24__David Heredia
Oct. 1____Grant Townsend
Oct. 15___Dawson Pope
Oct. 22___Zach Moore
Oct. 29___Mackenzie Alsop
Nov. 5____Christian Hubbard

Friday, September 5, 2008

Pack Meeting Skit 9/17/08

Scout #1 DANIEL: Walks onstage and squats down as if he is sitting on a bench that is invisible.
Scout #2 walks up to #1.
Scout #2: Whatcha doin'?
Scout #1: Just sitting on this invisible bench.
Scout #2: Can I join you?
Scout #1: Sure.
Scout #2 sits down next to #1.
Scout #3 repeats the dialog.
Each scout comes on and repeats, making a long line of scouts sitting on the bench.
Last scout JONATHAN S.: Walks up to line of scouts.
Last Scout : What are you guys doing?
All people: Just sitting here on this invisible bench.
Last Scout : No you aren't. I moved the bench over there. (points)

All the sitting scouts fall down.

November Homework

A5e Extinct Animals project due Dec.3

Name one animal that has become extinct in the last 100 years. Tell why animals become extinct. Name one animal that is on the endangered species list.

This helps with their Conservation Award also.

November 2008 Activities

Nov. 5: Geology Loop Guest Tony McClain & E22b
SNACK: Christian

Nov. 12 No Scouts

Nov. 15: BIG BRAZOS BEND ACTIVITY (tentative date)

Nov. 22: Pack Meeting?

Nov. 26: Happy Thanksgiving!

October Homework

E22b Rock Collection bring Nov. 5 when we meet the Geologist.

Mount and display a collection of emblems, coins, or other items to show at a pack meeting. This can be any kind of collection. Every time you show a different kind of collection, it counts as one requirement.

October 2008 Activities

Oct. 1: Basketball Loop & A6ce
SNACK: Grant Townsend

Oct. 8: Pack Meeting-Bear Refreshents

Oct. 15: Music Loop & E4 (electricity)

Oct. 22: A14abcd&f Ride Right (bring bikes) Guest Steve Spendlove

Oct. 29: A15 Games Games & E10b (animal mask)

September Homework

Recite promise & Law for reward at a den meeting

A5a bird poster due by den meeting, Oct 1

Choose a bird or animal that you like and find out how it lives. Make a poster showing what you have learned.

This helps with their Conservation Award also.

Bear Scout Denner

The Cub Scout denner is a den member elected by the den for a short period, usually one or two months. His responsibilities are determined by the den leader and den chief. This might include helping to set up the den meeting place and cleanup; helping with games, ceremonies, tricks, and puzzles; leading a song; or acting as den cheerleader. He should be given meaningful responsibilities and recognition to help him learn how to be a leader, so all boys will look forward to their turn as denner. (The short term of office is to give all boys the opportunity to serve. The shoulder cord is worn on the left shoulder.)

Pack 1094, 1078 & 780 Denner Requirements:
Call Role
Ask someone to give opening prayer
Help as needed
Be a good leader

Our Denner for September is Daniel Boyer.

Welcome Back Den Meeting

Here are a few pictures from the First Den Meeting of the 2008-2009 year. I think we did pretty good at getting to know each other a little better. We had 11 out of our 14 boys here tonight. We are off to a great start.

We will be having a scout of the Week every week.

Here are the 3 requirements:
1. Be here on time.
2. Wear complete uniform.
3. Good Participation.

David recieved the Scout of the Week Award, a prize out of the Scout Goodie Bag.

We will also have a Scout of the Month Award, which will be given out at the Pack Meetings. The Bear Den has a special trophy to be given to the Scout of the Month, which they get to keep for a month and then return it at the next pack meeting for the next Scout of the Month. The boys all loved and wanted the trophy, so let's see who gets it first.

Monday, September 1, 2008

September 2008 Activities

Sept. 3__ 6:00 Welcome Back!

Sept. 10__ no scouts - Katy Stake Family Week

Sept. 17__ 6:45 Pack Mtg (Bears will do the skit)

Sept. 24__ 6:00 Veteran Scout Guest Speaker Bro. Gebauer A8b & E14d

SNACK: David Heredia

Welcome Back to Scouts!

Hello everyone,

This is just a reminder or an invitation to our activity this week. We will be getting to know each other again and getting to know scouts again. We have lots of fun activities planned and yummy food.

But most importantly, Please bring a suitcase, backpack, gym bag or whatever filled with no more than 10 items that tell us something about you.
ALSO, bring your books if you have one.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday @ 6:00pm in the YW rooms next to the kitchen.