Friday, September 5, 2008

Bear Scout Denner

The Cub Scout denner is a den member elected by the den for a short period, usually one or two months. His responsibilities are determined by the den leader and den chief. This might include helping to set up the den meeting place and cleanup; helping with games, ceremonies, tricks, and puzzles; leading a song; or acting as den cheerleader. He should be given meaningful responsibilities and recognition to help him learn how to be a leader, so all boys will look forward to their turn as denner. (The short term of office is to give all boys the opportunity to serve. The shoulder cord is worn on the left shoulder.)

Pack 1094, 1078 & 780 Denner Requirements:
Call Role
Ask someone to give opening prayer
Help as needed
Be a good leader

Our Denner for September is Daniel Boyer.

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